Japanese culture

The rich culture and history of Japan and it's people. While it should be loved and respected, it should not be obsessed with and worshiped, as many American Anime fans do today. Many of the said fans will claim to know everything about Japan and it's history simply because they watched an Anime. Usually Anime/Manga is the only thing they really like about Japan. If you are Japanese (like myself), many of these fans will come up to you and randomly say words from the Japanese language and expect you to be impressed. They will also expect every Japanese person to be as in love with anime as they are, and will hate you if you simply say you don't care for anime.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Japanese culture. Some of the top words include: otaku, Anime, Cartoon Network, Hater, Wapanese, and 25 more.